Saturday, 21 April 2012

Week 14

Title of Activity

Progress Report


Doing are progress report for this semester.


- Introduction/Purpose

  • Purpose of the report: Very briefly explain the project.
  • Briefly explain what this progress report is for.
  • Time period covered for the Progress report.

- Work completed during this time period. (dates)

  • Explain what you have accomplished. Provide details.
  • Project Staffing. How much effort has been used to date?
  • Project Deliverables. Have they met the quality targets set?
- Work you need to complete before you finish the project.

  • What is the next step?
  • When do you expect to complete the next step?
  • What do you still need to do?
  • When do you expect to complete the project?
- Problems encountered.
  • Explain any unexpected developments.
  • Explain what you plan to do to correct these problems.
  • State whether the project is on schedule.
  • If not, why not?
  • How do you plan to correct these problems?
  • When will you be back on schedule?


A progress report is  representing the total time span of the project, that has been described in to week by week by representing the tasks that make up the project (for example, if the project is the major tasks involved might be research software and hardware, choose research component).As the project progresses, slide show proposal report, and all the information has be added to indicate completed tasks that have been planning from gantt chart.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Week 13

Title of Activity

Presentation FYP 1.


Present our idea for proposal idea FYP to assessors


Present FYP 1


Both of assessors understand what the actually idea for this project and they give some advice for improving the project and wanted to see this project functionally with input that have then give. 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Week 12

Title of Activity

Remake some slide show with guide that has been provide from lecturer.

  • Present in front of supervisor.
  • See how far that our presentation skill.


Rehearsal in front of supervisor before present in front of assesses next week. 

Some slide should present clearly

Project target and objective

  • Lack of presentation skill.
  • Practice more before the day of presentaion. 

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Week 11

Title of Activity

Touch up slide presentation.


Improve some slide show information that has been advice by supervisor.


Add some information in the slide such as Methodoly and Literature Review and remove some slide some that actually should not in slide show such as budget.

Add Methodology
Remove Budget

  • Supervisor still not satisfied with the slide show and wanted to present in front of him.
  • Slide show should be simple and compact with information is around about 10~11 only.