Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 5
Title of Activity

Design Circuit Using Fritzing (Schematic) & DipTrace(PCB) (Continue)

- Continue my previously.
- Etching process

Desing on Diptrace software for PCB board.
After done design the circuit, print it on OHP paper for next step for making PCB.
PCB desing on Diptrace software
After printed on OHP paper paste it on PCB board that has been measured that suitable size.

Use iron to make it paste on pcb. Remember to cover it with something suitable to OHP paper because it a easy to  meltdown.

This process take about 30minutes.

After done ironing, make sure it cool down before remove the OHP paper.

Soak it in acid solution so that the copper is not required eroded. This process takes about 30 minutes, it should be reminded to always see every 5 minutes so it does not erode the circuit

After that clean it with flowing water to clean it from acid solution

Use tinker to remove printed that not been remove by acid with turpentine that left only the circuit design.



Problem Statement
1) Too many point that need to need connected but with limited space on PCB.
2) The printed circuit  not attached smoothly on PCB board because not properly iron.
1) Use female and male connected as a wired jumper for solution.
2) Reprinted it on OHP paper and ironing it wisely and properly.

All the processes involved in the making safely circuit have completed with care and precision. All this process should be done carefully so that the circuit is not damaged and eroded, if this happens all done back from the printing process until the last process that has been shown.

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